ReviewX now allows displaying of all reviews of a specific custom post type using a shortcode. To display the review list of a custom post type on your site, you just need to use shortcode ‘ [rvx-review-list post_type=” ], it will bring all reviews of that post type, you mentioned in the shortcode.
Lets assume a ‘movie review’ custom post type (CPT) is created. Then the shortcode to be used to show review list of this CPT = [rvx-review-list post_type=’movies’ ]
You can also find the exact CPT name, in your admin URL of CPT, like this for the movie post type:
For giving you more flexibility this shortcode accepts some parameter also.
Parameters of this shortcode:
To show filter with review list use filter=on otherwise filter=off
Want to set number of reviews to display per page? pass this parameter per_page=x with the number.
review_count=x parameter can be used to display the number of reviews to be shown when pagination is off.
You can display review lists based on ascending or descending order. Just pass the parameter on the shortcode order_by=asc or order_by=dsc
For sorting review based on top rated, photo with reviews, video with reviews, or text only, use the parameter, sort_by = top | text | photo | video | recent

It will give you a result like this:

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