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How To Enable Allow Consent Checkbox?

Enabling the consent checkbox helps you follow privacy rules like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) by getting clear permission from reviewers before they submit their reviews. This feature makes your process more transparent and builds trust with your customers.

Follow these steps to enable the Allow Consent Checkbox in ReviewX.

Step 1: Go to your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to wp-admin -> ReviewX ->Review Settings. This is the place where you can ‘Enable’ the allow consent checkbox. Finally, click on the ‘Save’ button. In the text box provided, you’ll also customize the consent message to align with your privacy policy.

/Example: “I consent to have my review displayed on this website and to the terms outlined in the Privacy Policy.”/

Step 2: Once this feature is Enabled, the consent checkbox will appear in the Reviews section of the single product page on your WordPress site, allowing customers to provide their explicit agreement before ‘Submit Review‘.

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Updated on 16/01/2025