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Shortcode to Display Product Review Lists

ReviewX offers a shortcode to display the review list of your customer anywhere on your site. You just need to use shortcode ‘ [rvx-review-list ], it will bring all product reviews of your store.

Have multiple uses for this shortcode, by using different parameters:

01. Shortcode to display all product review list: [rvx-review-list]

02. To display a specific product review list: [rvx-review-list product_id= X]

03. Filter based on rating: Like you want to show all 5 stars of the site then use [rvx-review-list rating=5]

04. To show filter with review list use [rvx-review-list filter=on], If you do not need the filter use [rvx-review-list filter=off]

05. To set the number of reviews to display per page pass this parameter per_page=x with the number. [rvx-review-list per_page=x]

06. Review lists based on ascending order, [rvx-review-list order_by=asc] Review lists based on decending order, [rvx-review-list order_by=dsc]

07. For sorting review based on different condition:
Top-rated= [rvx-review-list sort_by=top]
Recent review = [rvx-review-list sort_by=recent]
Photo with reviews = [rvx-review-list sort_by=photo]
Video with reviews = [rvx-review-list sort_by=video]

It will give you a result like this:

Option to display the product/post title:

In the review list, now you can display the respected product name along with the review message. The product name is also linked with that product page

Use this shortcode, with the parameter post_title=on

So the shortcode will be, [rvx-review-list post_title=on]

Demo of Review list Shortcode, here

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What are your feelings
Updated on 04/09/2024